Is Python Hard to Learn?
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Is Python Hard to Learn?

Compared to JavaScript, I found Python easier to learn, but don’t worry if it’s taking you a lot of time to learn programming with Python, especially if you are new to coding. This is a common experience. I had a false start with several Python tutorials and free programming courses that were offered on Codecademy….

Is JavaScript Easy to Learn?
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Is JavaScript Easy to Learn?

Since it’s consistently the most popular programming language from the Stack Overflow web developer survey, you may have asked yourself, Is JavaScript easy to learn? While I have encountered web developers on Quora and in forums who say that you can learn JavaScript easily, the truth is that JavaScript is a complex language that has…

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Best Way to Learn JavaScript in 2019

With all the updates to the JavaScript language during the past few years, you may be wondering about the best way to learn JavaScript in 2019. If you have experience in another programming language such as C# and want to learn how to use Angular within the C# .NET framework, then you can start by…

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Learn Computer Programming Languages

A Word of Encouragement Learning computer programming languages can feel overwhelming, especially because there is no shortage of websites, courses and instructors that claim they can teach you how to code. Today, there are actually too many options, and when it’s time to learn something new, the amount of information and products can make you…

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Front End JavaScript Frameworks

Having finished React JS, Angular, and Vue JS – Quickstart and Comparison, a Udemy course created by Maximilian Schwarzmuller on front end JavaScript Frameworks, and I can say without a doubt that it was one of the most well-paced, intuitive and enjoyable web development courses I’ve ever taken. Maximilian Schwarzmuller is an amazing instructor, and…

Are JavaScript and jQuery Additional Skills to Add to Your Resume?
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Are JavaScript and jQuery Additional Skills to Add to Your Resume?

I recently answered a question on Quora in which the original poster asked if it was okay to add JavaScript and jQuery to his resume, even if he hadn’t used them much. Ordinarily, I try to empathize with the person asking the question and give long detailed responses in an effort to try to help. This…

How to Stop Spam Bots from Visiting Your Website
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How to Stop Spam Bots from Visiting Your Website

This past week, You Can Learn How to Code received a ton of referral traffic. I was initially excited when I logged into Google Analytics and saw the results. Upon closer examination, however, I discovered that I was receiving 50+ visits every day from the same website. Since all the traffic was only from one…